What Ethics Promises Have Santa Clara Candidates Made?

With all 18 candidates in Santa Clara signing the California State Code of Fair Campaign Practices and four also signing the stronger Santa Clara Ethics Pledge, it’s important to know what commitments these candidates have made to ensure ethical leadership. Here’s a simple checklist of five key promises you can use to evaluate their campaigns:

1. Truthfulness

  • California Code: Do candidates provide honest information about themselves, their opponents, and city issues?

  • Santa Clara Ethics Pledge: Do they back up their claims with evidence?

2. Focus on Issues

  • California Code: Do candidates focus on relevant issues and take clear stands on policies that matter to voters?

  • Santa Clara Ethics Pledge: Are they committed to sticking to important topics and avoiding distractions?

3. Respect for Opponents

  • California Code: Do they treat their opponents with dignity and refrain from personal attacks, mocking, and demeaning?

  • Santa Clara Ethics Pledge: Do they give their opponents time to respond to damaging communications, showing regard for all candidates?

4. Rejecting Negative Campaigns

  • California Code: Do candidates publicly repudiate and effectively disavow support from groups running negative campaigns?

  • Santa Clara Ethics Pledge: Will they promise to recuse themselves from decisions that involve supporters running negative campaigns?

5. Accountability

  • California Code: Do candidates take responsibility for their own actions and the actions of their supporters?

  • Santa Clara Ethics Pledge: Have they acknowledged the city’s trust issues and outlined a clear plan to promote ethical leadership if elected?

Note: All candidates are required to uphold the promises outlined in the California Code of Fair Campaign Practices (first bullet), while the four candidates (Satish Chandra, Teresa O’Neill, David Kertes, and Kelly Cox) who signed the Santa Clara Ethics Pledge have made additional commitments (second bullet) to go beyond the state code.

Good government starts at the ballot box. Let these ethical principles be among your top criteria this election season. Vote for ethical leadership, integrity, and accountability!

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